Dream Interpretation

Calling your ex-lover on the phone in a dream

Calling your ex-lover on the phone in a dream indicates that you will become a respected and influential person, you will receive very good news at an unexpected moment, you will lose sleep because of debt, the person will exhibit a spiteful attitude, you will be comfortable, you will put your affairs in order, you will encounter difficulties in terms of material and spiritual aspects.

In addition, calling your ex-lover on the phone in a dream indicates that you will face a controversial situation, you will continue your education life from where you left off, you will compensate for your losses with the support of the people around you, sorrows and troubles will turn into happiness, you will both be worn out, you will gain strength and power materially, and at the same time, it is interpreted that the dreamer will win the heart of a person in a difficult situation by doing good and charity.

Psychological interpretation of calling your ex-lover on the phone in a dream

Psychologically calling your ex-lover on the phone in a dream indicates that you will taste all kinds of entertainment and pleasure, great It indicates that the person will experience sadness and go through a difficult period, that luck will always be on his side, that very auspicious and beautiful works will be carried out with very great people and that the foundations of a work that will soon yield very great profits will be laid, that the person will also become a sinner in the sight of God, that he may experience great sadness, that he will have to learn to live on meager means while not knowing what poverty is, that a person who causes arguments between the family will be removed from the family.


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It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living.
Eckhart Tolle

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