Dream Interpretation

Caressing the hips in a dream

Caressing the hips in a dream indicates that material and spiritual problems will be overcome without being harmed by God's permission, the efficiency in your work will increase, the situations that cause fatigue and restlessness will end in a short time, your work will get worse due to the negative response you will receive from these people, you will have a home full of abundance and prosperity, you will eat it in peace by earning it lawfully and from now on, you will work hard and receive abundance in return for your labor, the work you undertake will harm you materially and spiritually.

Also, caressing the hips in a dream indicates that you will always protect your daughter and never give up supporting her, you will be guaranteed profit, you will become a person with wisdom and virtue, the troubles that are growing day by day will end and you will be over the moon when you receive happy and joyful news, you will be unhappy and restless almost all the time for some reason, you will enter a period in which you will cover a lot of ground in a short time, is interpreted.

Psychologically, Interpretation of Caressing the Buttocks in a Dream

Psychologically, caressing the buttocks in a dream indicates that many people will be given jobs, that they will beautify their life, that they will succeed in achieving their goals, that they will find salvation, that they will stay away from torture and ill-treatment, that they need to help themselves for a reason and then their problems will be solved without encountering any problems, that they will come to better places day by day, and that if they are a traveler and abroad, they will return to their homeland.


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It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living.
Eckhart Tolle

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