Seeing yourself carrying people by truck in your dream indicates that the person who owes you money will pay his debts, you will be in a difficult situation, you will be under the supervision of that person so that no harm will come to you, you will do ridiculous actions that will damage your reputation, your sorrows and difficulties will increase, you will find many people by your side when you have a problem, thanks to this you will make your name known to everyone.
Also seeing yourself carrying people by truck in your dream indicates that your outlook on life will develop positively, your business will deteriorate and your life will progress in the opposite direction, you will come to a very good situation and you will be happy and peaceful by seeing better days, the person will not have any health problems for many years, you will take steps as a healthy person, it is interpreted as swear words.
Psychologically seeing yourself carrying people by truck in your dream indicates that the promises given will be fulfilled very well, thus a period of being in a difficult situation and having financial difficulties will end, It is a sign of peace, materiality and life. According to the dream, it is interpreted that he will help the poor as much as he has money; he will establish his own business, his projects and works will be appreciated, he will find solutions to his problems, he will not be able to reach the job opportunities he wants for himself despite making a lot of effort.