Seeing cleaning a door threshold in a dream indicates that your life will start to progress as you wish and everything will become rosy, you will enter bigger and more profitable jobs than before, the debt that could not be paid due to the troubles experienced for the job will be paid in a short time, it will be a means for them to reveal the morality and good behaviors within them, you will take more solid steps, you will live without being exposed to evil, you will learn that your taste is in place and you will experience developments that will make you happy and satisfied with your mother.
Also, seeing cleaning a door threshold in a dream indicates that the problems between them will be solved, the available opportunities will increase, you will experience very troublesome and materially and spiritually damaging events due to a bad situation that will happen to you, you will forget your home and family, you will be very worried, you will not encounter any calamities.
Psychologically, it is interpreted that seeing a door threshold cleaned in a dream will focus on real friendships, that the person will realize how privileged he is thanks to what God has granted him and that he will enjoy it, that his financial comfort will be permanent, that he will encounter difficulties in revealing projects, that his earnings will increase and that his life will be joyful, that he will experience a loss of prestige, that the person's comfortable and peaceful life will end.