Seeing coal bags in a dream indicates that you will be very successful in your business life and earn a lot of money, you will find yourself making a happy business decision with the people you love very much, the losses suffered will be compensated in a short time, there will be some changes in your social life, you will part ways, your desires and ambitions will come true in the direction you want, some tiring issues will arise.
Also seeing coal bags in a dream indicates that your peace and joy will be in place, you will be happy with them for a lifetime, your rivals will try to put you in bad situations, if you are single, you will meet the person you will marry, the steps taken will be great successes in a short time, it is interpreted as no in the near future.
Psychologically seeing coal bags in a dream indicates that you will earn large amounts of money, misfortunes will be experienced one after another, things will get better thanks to the support of one of your friends or relatives. It indicates that the world's wealth will increase, the wind of this success will lead to a new job, the dynamics will receive great support to get rid of the troubles they are in, their debt will be completely eliminated and they will start saving money.