Meaning of the fact that the projects of collecting erik in the tree will be blocked, to have fun days, to be refreshed in every sense, if you want to think about two times in the work they do, spiritually experiencing strong emotions, the jealousy will increase day, the achievements he received, and the people who are jealousy, will experience discussion.
In addition to collecting plum in the tree in the dream, it is soon interpreted that it will bring itself to very good places and achieve healthy, healing, the evil one will suffer from evil, the troubles will pass, the cost of the haram roads, which will soon be a partner at a time, to achieve very large gains.
In the dream of psychologically, thanks to the achievements gained to gather plums in the tree, you will be able to earn a large amount of money installed and bring a peaceful and happy life, that the competitors who are trying to hinder in the business life will be defeated, as they increase their income, they will also find the chance to make their loved ones happy, to cause the deterioration of the peers, to create troubles of the jumped steps, to reverse the plans of the dream, a huge progress in love will be recorded and met with a no jealousy, to save a large part of the earnings addressed.