Meaning of the fact that the dream will collect and be sick, will give you the chance to live their dreams, to the crowd of the environment, abundance of life and the future of the fertile, that the income will be guaranteed, the person who will expect special emotions will also be erased by a word of thety-year remember.
In addition, as soon as you can not be missing the prayer from the mouth of collecting the lunar leaf in the dream, it will not be asked for any event that may happen after that, when it will be partnered with a work that will bring benefits, it will be compensated for errors, and will be connected to the sweet of a bad situation without time, it is interpreted, from the person to whom special emotions will be in a dark manner.
Psychologically, it will also bring joy and mouth pleasure to gather the moonva leaf in the dream, which he will succeed to remove him from himself, will not be missing from the pocket, it will pass very no and beautiful opportunities, to create new ones by giving a lot of effort in the impossibility, in partnership with some people will enter some work, to capture important and great opportunities that they expect to perform their dreams, they will be fertile in their work.