Collecting black cabbage in a dream indicates that abundance and prosperity will fill the house and relief will be experienced, the conversation will be spoiled, the person will work on a subject that will bring goodness, the person will participate in some concert events, the disloyalty of friends and acquaintances will be encountered, the person will have a diploma and a profession, the person will enter a period when their business will open up and the person will manage to use its advantages.
In addition, collecting black cabbage in a dream indicates that the person will almost get sick due to these problems but God will help them very much to get rid of these troubles in the near future, the trouble and heaviness in them will disappear, they will rest a little, it will bring very auspicious and beautiful developments with them, the person will enter a very difficult period due to this damage, they will have problematic and sad times.
Psychologically collecting black cabbage in a dream indicates that the person will not be very peaceful due to the difficulties they will experience, they will get into trouble. It indicates that he/she will not enter the world, that his/her financial situation will improve day by day and that he/she will establish a home with auspicious fortune, that he/she will get along well, that he/she will have a lot of troubles in a period when great breakthroughs are made and that the problems that will come up from now on will cause even bigger problems, that he/she will have a great income and position, and that he/she will get rid of his/her troubles and problems in a short time.