Seeing yourself collecting snow in a dream indicates that your dreams will come true in a short time, you will be promoted to a higher position in business life, there will be arguments in your family for a reason, your expectations in your professional life will be met, you will be disappointed in business, you will crush your enemies and rivals, some situations that go wrong will be corrected.
Seeing yourself collecting snow in a dream also indicates that you will have a good child for the country and the nation, the work done will bring great blessings, you will also be promoted to a high-paid position with the support of a senior manager, you will share your earnings with others, you will achieve greater success by doing greater work in your work, you will overcome a difficult period.
Psychologically seeing yourself collecting snow in a dream indicates that you will attend crowded family meetings, your position will be damaged due to the decrease in your successes. and the earnings will decrease, the problems will increase day by day, the good deeds that will ruin the works of the enemies and embarrass those who look at the person with a bad eye or have the wrong impression will be done, the dreamer who will quickly grasp a job about which he is not aware and show himself immediately will do applauded works, the dreamer will live in health, solutions will be found to the problems quickly and very correct steps will be taken to add color to the family life, and his love will be permanent.