Seeing a crow running away in a dream will also be a means of earning money, evaluating the savings in your hand and buying a new house, feeling very sad upon receiving news of a death and entering a stressful environment, feeling more stuck than ever and being caught up in an intense emotional flood, a chance and fortune will bring new ones after them, experiencing financial loss, feeling helpless.
Also seeing a crow running away in a dream means having the house of your dreams, helping a person who is in need as much as possible and overcoming a very serious illness, your loved ones will always be at your side, acting very calmly and secretly to spoil these people's games, continuing your life much stronger than where you left off, without wasting.
Psychologically Seeing a crow running away in a dream indicates that he/she will overcome his/her problems by working with determination and patience against all these situations, will receive more respect and support, will have legitimate earnings, will be a more cheerful and affectionate person, will live a happy and peaceful life, will enter a beautiful period in which he/she will feel better, will love him/her more than himself/herself.