Crying for your brother in a dream indicates that his name will spread abroad, the level of welfare will never decrease, sadness and discussions will last for a long time, various situations that cause concern will be experienced, great profit will be made in every job he enters in business life, he will be crushed under big debts, an entertainment will be held where friends and relatives will participate.
In addition, crying for your brother in a dream indicates that very great works will be done and very good ways will be entered to earn profit, he will lose the peace in business life and family life, he will have a child in the near future and a person who asks for help will be helped, he will achieve abundance and happiness, he will go on vacation or business trips to different places from time to time and have a peaceful mental structure, he will face difficult problems to solve.
Psychologically crying for your brother in a dream indicates that his hands are in trouble It indicates that the person will not fall, will not be able to pull himself together for a long time, will take on a protective role especially towards young people, will receive bad news from a relative who lives far away, will be away from enemies, will manage to replace what he spent with much more, will reach large and guaranteed sources of income, will have an easier life.