Seeing a daisy garden in a dream indicates that you will be betrayed by some people you love, the jealousy and distrust between the spouses will end, you will have something you have wanted for many years very soon without much trouble, the reputation you have in the business world will be tarnished, life will settle into a certain order, a big step will be taken on the path to marriage, you will do business with a person who is experiencing trouble.
Also, seeing a daisy garden in a dream indicates that if you cannot get rid of the situation you are in in any way, you will suffer great material and spiritual damage and have to deal with bad people, you will be very upset because you realize the situation too late, you will enter a period where you will feel very good spiritually, you will always be very happy and comfortable, you will experience events that will test the dreamer's patience, you will solve your problems and you will see very good days thanks to the right steps you will take.