Seeing a dark green apple in a dream indicates that you will encounter greater difficulties day by day, you will have a lot of trouble due to health problems, you will deviate from the right path for a reason, you will be successful and profitable, your spouses will be closed, you will defeat your rivals in business life in the competition they will enter, it will be a means for your hand to become abundant.
In addition, seeing a dark green apple in a dream indicates that you will make breakthroughs and initiatives, you will acquire worldly goods and have a more comfortable life, both your position and reputation and wealth will increase, you will become more beautiful, you will have plenty of conversations, you will experience very nice developments and great happiness for yourself.
Psychologically seeing a dark green apple in a dream indicates that it will harm a work that is put forward, you will fully fulfill your worships, you will receive great help from a fair and decent person, you will be separated from a person. It is interpreted that he will come together with his daughter, he will be protected from evil eyes, he will be excited, and as long as his daughter lives happily and is successful, he will also be happy.