Seeing days passing quickly in a dream indicates that the person will be very happy, will get promoted at work, will recover the work thanks to an experienced person who will help him in a job where he is losing money and will make a profit, will progress on his way without encountering any difficulties, will stay away from things that upset him, in addition to the great material and spiritual damage he will suffer, his name, which is always mentioned with right and beautiful things, will be tarnished and there will be great arguments and almost separations in his family life, the arguments in his family life will end thanks to these people.
Also, seeing days passing quickly in a dream indicates that he will make good decisions, will attract everyone's attention, will rest a little, will unintentionally encounter a person who will bring harm, will find solutions to get his life on track, much more good earnings will be obtained thanks to a great work to be done.
Psychological interpretation of seeing days passing quickly in a dream It is interpreted that thanks to the help sought from an experienced person, the business will grow even more, he will make good profits in a short time, he will always stay away from evil, he will receive news that will cause joy and excitement, some secrets will be revealed, he will not put forbidden food on his bread, this will be a great chance for him and will always bring him luck.