Seeing yourself dealing with money in a dream indicates that you will live a more luxurious life, catch good opportunities, live gratefully, know how to get over and forget the things that bother you, your financial situation will improve, the unpleasantness in your family will be replaced by joy and happiness, and for single people, you will find a job opportunity abroad.
Also, seeing yourself dealing with money in a dream indicates that your hand will reach abundance and your life will become a bed of roses, you will be able to easily pay your debts for those who will break your heart and have debts, your peace in your home will be restored, if you are working, you will start a new job, you will make good earnings.
Psychologically, seeing yourself dealing with money in a dream indicates lies, you will be able to solve your problems, a friend who causes various difficulties will now distance himself from you, you will have a good future. It is interpreted that you will be calm, continue with reverence, leave your troubles and problems aside, and act with enthusiasm instead of evaluating important opportunities.