Seeing deaths one after another in a dream indicates that you will be distant about new acquaintances, therefore you will defeat this person when you are about to fall into a very difficult situation, if you have enemies, you will sign under very successful works, you will experience events that will gain spiritual strength, you will put a very large distance between you and people after the bad experiences you have experienced, you will always follow what is right.
Also, seeing deaths one after another in a dream indicates that you may have troubles in your private life, the difficulties you have experienced will end, you will enter a period in which you will feel very good in terms of position and spirituality, you will find peace by getting rid of your troubles and sorrows, you will also spend to help people in need.
Psychologically, seeing deaths one after another in a dream indicates that the estranged will reconcile, you will do everything hand in hand and heart to heart, this Therefore, it is interpreted that the dreamer will be in a difficult situation for a while, his life will become easier, he will be financially rich, and he will suffer great material and spiritual losses, from his home to his work.