Dreaming of digging a small hole indicates that your financial comfort will be restored, your luck will advance in new jobs, troubles and troubles will arise, your problems and problems will also end, some people who take you as an example will be more courageous, even if you encounter bad things, you will return later having made various decisions during your travel, you are loved.
In addition, dreaming of digging a small hole indicates that the jobs will provide great profit, you will constantly try to improve yourself in matters of wisdom, you will have financial difficulties, you will have to deal with harmful people, you will not leave him alone, every job will bring great happiness and peace.
Psychologically, dreaming of digging a small hole indicates that the troubles will end and the earnings will be increased many times over, a great success will be gained in life, but thanks to some steps you will take in the near future, you will be very comfortable and It indicates that the person will enter a period of great relief, that making a living will become easier, that the person will obtain halal and acceptable bread and income, thus, that the person will act more comfortably and more confidently, that the person will earn more income, and that the person will experience very bad arguments in their family life.