Seeing a dirty blouse in a dream indicates that noble people will come out, problems will end soon, you will become a respected person in the future, abundance will achieve the desired success in your job, existing troubles will be replaced by happiness and joy, and thus you will make a great profit.
Also seeing a dirty blouse in a dream indicates that you will gain both success and the praise of people with your lifestyle, contrary to your old life, you will get richer and your purchasing power will increase enough to envy everyone, you will start very good works and always show great success in the works you do, but you should be very careful against an event that you may encounter at an unexpected moment, sometimes you will be cheated and get ahead in job interviews or you will be in the front row in a tender or you will collect money from people with lies and deceit.
Psychologically Seeing a blouse indicates that a loss will be incurred due to a partnership established in business life, then it will help in many matters but will not enter into a partnership in the business, it will have a good and understanding spouse and good children, difficult times will be relieved, it will gain a very good place for itself in the business world thanks to the work it has done, sorrows and worries will be resolved in a short time, the person will have a fixed and guaranteed income and this will cause it to live comfortably and its bread will never be cut off, despite the resistance and patience shown, the business will gradually get worse and end in bankruptcy.