Seeing a dirty puppy in a dream indicates that you will make great profits, you will be very happy and start your job, no harm will come to your home from outside, you will not encounter difficulties that you cannot overcome, however, work will be left unattended, you will prevail in exams and be left without bread and money.
Also, seeing a dirty puppy in a dream indicates that you will be in permanent happiness with him, your pride will be broken due to the words heard, a relationship that is on the way to marriage will end, debts taken cannot be paid, it will come to an explosion point, you will have pleasant conversations and harmony with those around you.
Psychologically seeing a dirty puppy in a dream indicates that you will have romantic, right friendships with the person you love, unwanted events will be experienced, you will make new initiatives with a little capital, your life and work will capsize, great successes will be gained, financial difficulties will be left behind, is interpreted.