Seeing a dirty wallet in a dream indicates that all the problems and discussions experienced will end soon, that the opportunities he missed will be regained, that he will reach a very big and very good life thanks to the right and determined steps he will take in the near future, that his success in his professional life will increase, that the works that were left unfinished or suspended will be put back into practice in a short time, that there will always be hope for the person and will bring goodness, and that the works will be left unattended.
Also seeing a dirty wallet in a dream indicates that he will make a big breakthrough financially, that he may have very difficult days and that he will move away from the things he dreams of day by day, that he will isolate himself from the outside world and people for a while, that he will enter into jobs that will bring great profit, that he will get rid of the problems that will arise, that a large amount of money will be received.
Psychologically seeing a dirty wallet in a dream means that things will deteriorate day by day and that the steps considered will not be taken. It indicates that some problems will be experienced due to not being able to leave the job, that this person will hinder the person while starting a job or finishing a study and therefore he will break off all dialogue with this person and will now respond to this person in different ways, that he will settle accounts with malicious people within the framework of the law, that he will return from a trip to a foreign country, that he will prevent himself from falling into very bad situations by sharing his troubles, that a relationship that is progressing on the road to marriage will end because of the gossip that will arise, that he will find other people to help him with his problems and work with them, that he will not have financial troubles.