Seeing a dirty window in a dream indicates that you will finally be happy, your customers will increase enough to line up, it will cause, the efficiency will be above what is expected and calculated, you will get sick because of not resting and putting nutrition in the background, bad news will be received about the health of one of the elders of the family, your peace will be in place.
Also seeing a dirty window in a dream indicates that you will be put in bad situations, the things you want will do more and more harm and things will become inextricable, failures and losses will block your way from the very beginning, thus success, things will grow very quickly, you will not be able to get rid of your troubles and problems.
Psychologically seeing a dirty window in a dream indicates that you will rise to the top, you will behave in a way that will endanger your marriage, you will be hopeless, you will attract the attention of many people, but you got married a short time before these situations and you are very happy in your home. It indicates that thanks to a person, one will be saved without much trouble and without further sadness, that great happiness will be experienced thanks to the reflection of this comfort in business life to family life, and that the blockages in the business field will be achieved by great successes.