Seeing a disgruntled friend crying in a dream indicates that you will have an easy and fun life, you will have financial difficulties, you need to get professional help to get rid of this situation and return to your normal life, your earnings will be much more, you will manage to achieve wealth thanks to doing things that will bring you good and luck, accordingly, a very good decision will be made regarding your family life, you will get rid of poverty and unemployment.
Also, seeing a disgruntled friend crying in a dream indicates that you will be a loyal person, thus your earnings and self-confidence will increase, you will remove people who cause you sadness and trouble from your life, you will be betrayed by a close friend and you will return with bad news from a trip you will make, it will not bring much financial gain, happy events will be experienced.
Psychologically, seeing a disgruntled friend crying in a dream is a dream that everyone will appreciate, It is interpreted that prosperity will be achieved, that the person will come to very good places in the job he has been doing for a long time, that he will act very calmly and secretly to spoil the games of these people, that very good developments will be experienced in his family life, that he will find solutions to his problems, and that his earnings will almost decrease by half.