Seeing yourself distributing fruits and vegetables in a dream indicates that days full of comfort and light will be reached, your life will go badly, an unpleasant experience will be resolved, your hand will be shaken, you will face big problems, things will be better than ever, you will help people to be enlightened by doing studies in the field of theology.
Also seeing yourself distributing fruits and vegetables in a dream indicates that very big and successful steps will be taken, the dreamed things will be achieved, there will be discussions and resentments among family members, on the other hand, a big discussion will be experienced with these people in different media and the necessary punishments will be given to the necessary people, your projects and works will be appreciated, thanks to this, both your position and earnings will increase, you will receive good and positive news.
Psychologically seeing yourself distributing fruits and vegetables in a dream indicates that you will be left with the breath and money you spend, It is interpreted that the person will experience a significant abundance in worldly goods, that his life will be spent in beauty, that he will fall into great financial trouble, thus a period of difficult situations and financial difficulties will come to an end, and that a beautiful relationship will begin with someone he has known for a long time.