Seeing yourself distributing lentil patties in a dream indicates that you will not only collapse financially, but also move to another city and find a new job, you will have a great financial return, what you read and learn will make you wise and knowledgeable, you will always support the person in the field of business, you will continue your life meticulously by evaluating every condition that will harm you in the best way, you will protect your loved ones as a good person.
Also, seeing yourself distributing lentil patties in a dream indicates that your morale will be better than before by receiving good news at a moment when you are in despair, you will help the people you love and value very much, you will leave the jobs you have been in charge of for a very long time and draw a new and more successful path for yourself, your earnings will be abundant, you will experience great joy in your family life, your problems and troubles will increase gradually in a short time.
Psychologically, seeing yourself distributing lentil patties in a dream means that you will have a profitable business, everyone will do what they have to do, projects and studies will make a big impact, you will not have financial difficulties, financial issues will be solved, you will lose prestige, you will suddenly fall into trouble while living a comfortable life.