Meaning of a regret and desire to live in the dream, but by showing a very large patience and being able to have a promise of the woman during marriages, to guarantee the life and its cost, not to trust anyone for a long time, to have a lifetime and to be happy, but by showing a lot of patience and being lessen, in this case, meaning of various controls for the health problems that can live in the luxury, future.
In addition, thanks to the possibilities that stand out in the dream, it will face a undesirable problem, eating legimate bite and pushing away from a woman who has evil hues and leaving from a woman who has bad hues, being spoiled in the way of life, his work will go well to be very happy.
In order not to stand out in the dream as psychologically, it will achieve all the possibilities necessary for it, and the fact that there will be a lot of no-way gates to be opened, a close relative will be inherited with the velphate, the future of desires is that the dream owner is one of the most inhabited in the God floor, which will increase the efficiency of the profession, which the hand will be plenty, faced with troubles, will increase the day of troubles.