Seeing a dog's funeral in a dream indicates that your material and spiritual wealth will be in place, your share will increase, there will be good and loyal people around you, you will use your earnings correctly, good and beautiful things will be shelved for a short time, you will make that person a passion and obsession for yourself, you will help someone a lot and you will still help them. It is interpreted that a surprise will be made to someone who does.
In addition, it is interpreted that seeing a dog's funeral in a dream will be saved from great harm, that you will act like a very big family, that your heart will pound, that you will live comfortably, that you will establish a new and calmer life for yourself in a new city, that you will sign very good works on a road you set out with good people.
Psychologically, seeing a dog's funeral in a dream will continue your education life from where you left off and that you will go abroad in connection with this situation, that your illnesses will end, that you will unite your life with your loved one, that your troubles and problems will end as soon as possible, that your luck and luck in your job will not be as good as before, that the dreamer will curse you for making this attempt, if possible, that information will be collected about a new job.