Seeing a dog's organ in a dream indicates that it will ensure that your child is raised morally and becomes a great person in the future, the decisions made to fix the course will bring anxiety and trouble, he will also be offended and upset by this situation, his work will progress very auspiciously and beautifully, he will tear himself apart, the right decisions will be made, his sorrows and troubles will increase day by day and while he will be leaving a very troubled period, he will enter a more troubled period.
Also, seeing a dog's organ in a dream indicates damage to his property or worldly property, he will be more coy as he is taken over and will upset those who love him, he will be faced with a situation that will bother him and cause him a lot of sadness, he will go ahead of everyone, the opportunities he gets will not be beneficial, he will get involved in unsafe jobs and become what he has.
Psychological Seeing a dog organ in a dream indicates that troubles and problems will end, new personnel will be hired thanks to the huge jobs that are opened, things will get better, you will start working with an experienced person and you will gain great experience in a short time thanks to this person, you will encounter innovations that will bring you goodness and beauty, you will make big and smart breakthroughs, some of the encountered problems will be overcome in a short time, and you will suddenly fall into poverty.