Seeing a dog and a chick in a dream indicates that you will rise suddenly, your heart's affairs will be activated, you will make great contributions to everyone who asks for help by self-criticizing, doing very beautiful and auspicious works, you will enter into fruitful works, there will be a great deal of abundance and prosperity in your works, you will try to help everyone who asks for help.
Also, seeing a dog and a chick in a dream indicates that you will get married with a good fortune that you have been with for a long time, you will make a great profit from the work you will put forth to put your works in order, you will receive a large amount of money, you will find life, you will get rid of very difficult situations thanks to this debt, you will establish a partnership with some auspicious people to enter into new projects.
Psychologically, seeing a dog and a chick in a dream indicates that your money and property will not be lacking, you will listen to everyone's words around you. It indicates that the person will gain great self-confidence and establish his own business and gain a place for himself in his sector thanks to the works he trusts and the other works he will do being very popular, he will live a joyful life, he will marry a good person, peace and possessions will disappear from his life, the sick person will regain his former joy and there will be a festive atmosphere in the house.