Seeing a dog and a snake attack in a dream indicates that you will make changes in your business life, the repentance you have made will be accepted by God, a new car will be bought, the relationship with the people you have problems with will be fixed, therefore the things that upset and bother you will disappear in the near future, you will encounter various problems financially and spiritually, you will be in a very good financial situation and very happy news will be received.
Also, seeing a dog and a snake attack in a dream indicates that the dreamer who will suddenly become pessimistic will feel uncomfortable later because of the decisions he will make without thinking, the stress of business life will be removed even for a short time, you will reach the things you have been dreaming of for a long time in a short time without any trouble, your dreams that you have been dreaming of for a long time will be realized, then you will wait to find someone according to your heart, you will start new jobs and establish your own business to have bigger earnings.