Seeing a dog biting the arm in a dream indicates that your life will progress as you wish, the sufferings you have endured will end, you will gain great rewards thanks to this religious rule you have fulfilled, your problems will be solved, you will have good opportunities, you will be the cause of great abundance and prosperity in both your business life and family life, your luck and fortune will increase day by day and you will say hello to a life full of abundance and prosperity.
Also, seeing a dog biting the arm in a dream indicates that you will gain success and victory, you will manage to provide much better conditions for your family, you will feel much better, you will suffer great losses from the jobs you have entered, instead of finding a solution for this situation, most of which stems from your own behaviors, you will accept it and withdraw yourself even more, you will never give up and live as an exemplary citizen for everyone.
Psychologically, seeing a dog bite you on the arm in a dream means a lifetime of love, happiness, overcoming your problems easily, keeping your promises, solving your troubles in time and being in prosperity, taking bigger steps, not leaving them unrequited.