Seeing a dog in the hands of your loved one in your dream indicates that it will cause an obstacle, you will pay your debts that you could not pay and you will achieve your dreams that you have wanted to realize for a long time but could not realize, you will achieve great successes and great victories, you will breathe a sigh of relief thanks to the news that will come when you are on the verge of bankruptcy in your business life, the difficulties you experience will end and your environment will be filled with people who will support you in every sense, then you will apply for a new job, you will fall into a bad situation.
Also, seeing a dog in the hands of your loved one in your dream indicates that you will never enter into jobs that will damage your reputation for worldly goods, you will come across the evil of bad people, your problems and issues will be solved, you will be at peace in your worldly life, your broken self-confidence will be rebuilt, you will enjoy the beauty, in short, life.
Psychologically, seeing a dog in the hands of your loved one in your dream is almost like an eye According to the dreamer, it is interpreted that he/she will set sail for very big problems and enter into very difficult and dark paths regarding money, that he/she will have good luck in trade, that he/she will make very good earnings by doing very auspicious and successful works in his/her business life, that he/she will be comfortable, that his/her hands will be tied, that his/her peace and happiness will be restored, that it is a superstitious deed.