Seeing a dog kissing your hand in a dream indicates that you will achieve great success thanks to the work you will put forward, opportunities will be used in a way that will bring great profits, you will embarrass them and refute the ideas about you one by one, you will get rid of the trouble you are experiencing for a while and take a deep breath, the people you ask for help will not lend a helping hand, your bank account will swell, you will be a rival with a powerful person and you will resist the tricks this person will do for a long time.
Also, seeing a dog kissing your hand in a dream indicates that you will sign a very nice surprise for both your own family and close friends, you will have a great relief financially, the doors of luck and fortune will be wide open in front of you, adversities will be experienced one after another, thanks to this you will continue your life much more comfortably, a friend who causes you various difficulties will now distance himself from you.
Psychologically, seeing a dog kissing your hand in a dream indicates that the steps taken will bring harm, very big and beautiful works will be put forward and great successes will be achieved, abundance and prosperity will come to the workplace and household, both the worldly life and the afterlife will be as the person wishes, he will enter new and more successful jobs in the near future, his work and earnings will be jinxed, he will be held responsible for something.