Seeing a dog obeying in a dream indicates that you will leave bad days behind, it will cause great sadness, the wheel of fate will turn in your favor, your hand will be tight, receiving happy news and evaluating this news very auspiciously and correctly and making decisions accordingly will make things very good, there will be abundance and wealth, you will become a successful person.
Also, seeing a dog obeying in a dream indicates that you will experience a long-lasting resentment, your eyes will not be left alone, your parents will fight each other and there will be unpleasantness, you will solve a problem you have had for a very long time by getting great support from the people you love and value very much when you are in trouble, you will enter the business sector, you will be very happy with the people you love.
Psychologically seeing a dog obeying in a dream indicates that you will be saved from all kinds of bad accidents. and it indicates that he will be protected from anyone, that he will get the full reward of his hard work that will upset him, that happy news will be left behind, that he will get rid of his fears, that all the opportunities that come his way will provide very good profit and that he will enter a comfortable period, that his work will always go well, and that doors of good earnings will be opened.