Seeing a dog scratch in a dream indicates that you will establish a big and auspicious partnership in a period when you are financially comfortable, your work will bring a lot of profit in a short time, you will experience very troubled and difficult days for some reason, a helping hand will be extended to a friend in a difficult situation, mistakes will be corrected, you will experience pleasing events, you will use the opportunities you have very well.
Also, seeing a dog scratch in a dream indicates that you will take successful steps, you will run to the help of many people, you will sign very auspicious and beautiful works, you will always look ahead and have negative thoughts in this process, you will lose your financial power, a partnership to be made will bring great fame.
Psychologically seeing a dog scratch in a dream indicates that your health problems will disappear in a short time, the misfortunes you experience will disappear, the troubles will end in a short time, you will feel weak and lonely. It indicates that you will feel good, that you will be someone who takes it as a duty to do good for those in your life, that you will set out despite an expected bad surprise, that you will keep away people who try to sabotage your work, and that you will have very long arguments with many people.