Seeing donkey pee in a dream indicates that the person is conscientious, will find a solution in that way, the current comfort will continue, the financial troubles will end and the person will regain his health, will have a more spacious and comfortable life and will feel better and this situation will be reflected in his business life and family life, will drag him to areas and places he has never known and never seen before and will almost change his life from top to bottom, business life will bring great profit.
In addition, seeing donkey pee in a dream indicates that the person will distance himself from people, his wealth will not run out, there will be a big argument with the people he has established partnerships with, he will find a new job, he will make a name for himself with all the work he does.
Psychologically seeing donkey pee in a dream indicates that he will overcome his insecurity, make some partnerships, It is interpreted that he will experience a great relief, he will not want to remain a stagnant person, his loved ones will do him good and pray for him, he will get closer to accident or trouble, he will be patient and his prayers will come true.