Seeing a door alarm in a dream indicates that business will grow continuously, difficulties will end suddenly, various precautions will be taken for an event that may come up later, he will earn his living without working hard and wearing out, the abundance of his goods and money will increase, a big project will be realized, the dreamer will receive news that will make him jump with joy in a difficult situation.
Also seeing a door alarm in a dream indicates that worries and fears will pass and new work will be put forward every day, he will settle accounts with the people he has harmed, no good will come from the work, his problems will end and he will get what he needs to be happy, he will be relieved financially, his troubles and problems will disappear in the near future.
Psychologically seeing a door alarm in a dream indicates that wishes and prayers will be accepted, enviable jobs and powerful It is interpreted that the dreamer will have a life that will make everyone jealous with his character, and if the dreamer is a woman, he will have a long and healthy life, will enter into business partnerships that will bring happiness and wealth, there will be an argument with the parents, and thanks to this, a lightning marriage will be on the agenda for more resilient, single people.