Seeing dough being rolled out in a dream indicates that the troubles will end, a betrayal will be seen from a person who is supported in business, his hand will reach abundance, thus the trouble he has suffered will end, he will experience grief, not only the person's earnings but also his rank will increase, they will come together and they will be side by side and shoulder to shoulder as in the old days, the dreamer will feel helpless.
Also, seeing dough being rolled out in a dream indicates that he will experience great sadness, he will be promoted, he will be saved from poverty on this occasion, he will perhaps be subjected to great harm and loss by a person he has never seen, he will make a career in education, he will have troubles and difficult days, he will find the love he is looking for and God will grant him to live with the one he loves sooner or later.
Psychological interpretation of seeing dough in a dream Seeing it opened indicates that the financial problems and the family problems that arise from these will be solved in the near future, that the person will feel like he/she was reborn and will experience great happiness and joy, that he/she is someone who starts every job with prayers, that the person who works will be promoted at work, that he/she will get rid of his/her troubles and problems, that the dreams that have been established for a long time will come to an end one by one and that he/she will be sad because of some events, that his/her paths will open without squandering the chance that comes his/her way.