Seeing a dream of hiding a phone at school indicates that problems will be eliminated, you will completely get rid of the troubled situations you are in, you will have very beautiful and happy days, you will be happy in your future and afterlife, both of them will be very comfortable, you will not be able to keep the money you have, the person's good days will be left behind.
Also, seeing a dream of hiding a phone at school indicates that the goals will not be realized, a very good and profitable position will be obtained in the job done, a lot of material and spiritual damage will be suffered, an unfortunate situation to be experienced will grow even more, thanks to this, you will get the opportunity to do a job that will be accurate for your future, you will fall into a great void.
Psychologically, seeing a dream of hiding a phone at school indicates that you will see better days in time, you will add to what you have and have a comfortable life, you will be in a good mood, you will be happy, the effort you have given will be It is interpreted that he will get his due to the end, that he will overcome difficult times easily, that he will experience major problems in his business life, and that he will regain his health or good morals.