Seeing a dream of talking about the apocalypse indicates that the debts and loans taken will be paid in a short time, that the person will be accepted as a believer with abundant rewards in the sight of Allah by holding the hands of the needy, that the person will experience great happiness in the works he/she starts, that a difficult period will be easily overcome, that the person will gain material superiority, that the troubles he/she is in will end, that the person will be free from all evil.
Also, seeing a dream of talking about the apocalypse indicates that very auspicious and profitable works will be carried out in the works done, that some steps will be taken regarding business life, but that these people will teach themselves a great lesson because they do not give up and thus they will gain success, will be well-mannered and cultured, will get rid of their problems and troubles and will achieve their dreams and live a life in happiness and peace, and will put their life on track.
Psychologically, seeing a dream about the apocalypse is interpreted as a sign that after a fierce struggle, the opponents will suffer great losses and an unexpected performance will be displayed in a short time, the problems will be overcome in a short time, it will be difficult to take steps for the future due to uncertainties, it will be destroyed, the person will be freed from his troubles, smart, thus the financial possibilities will expand.