dream will relieve stress and fatigue, make a big move about the job, suffer great losses, experience beautiful and beneficial changes, end their fears, so that the dreamer will breathe comfortably, bad people will be removed from life and refreshment will be achieved.
Inaddition, it is interpreted that seeing what it means to chase a white dog in a dream will make a decision that will make both himself and his family members happy, that there will be beneficial events that will be in your interest in the near future, that a problematic period will end, that earring advice will be received, that it will lose its financial power as well as collapse in a spiritual sense, that a good period will be entered and that peace and happiness will be felt thanks to the studies and projects carried out.
Psychologically, it is interpreted that seeing what it means to chase a white dog in a dream will be abundant with the acceptance of parents' prayers, that they will be in solidarity with them, that there will be an increase in enemies as soon as they get off the right path, that they will rise to the executive chair, that they will recover in a troubled period, that they will protect and always support their loved ones as a good person, that the financial situation will be very deteriorated due to a bad surprise to be encountered soon.