Dreaming of drinking raki and getting drunk indicates that your trade will not be spoiled, some steps will be taken regarding your education life, you will increase your earnings several times and have the house of your dreams, various steps will be taken to realize your dreams that have been postponed for a long time, you will not be able to reach the job opportunities you want for yourself despite making great efforts, people will be drowned in grief and sorrow, sadness and disturbing events will end with various projects.
In addition, dreaming of drinking raki and getting drunk indicates that the dreamer will have fun days, your old happiness and peace will be restored in the household, beautiful people will surround you, for singles, you will lose yourself thanks to a great love that will come across them, but things will get better thanks to receiving good and happy news later, you will have to struggle with all kinds of problems.
Psychologically Dreaming of Drinking raki and getting drunk indicates that things will go wrong for a long time, spiritual aspects will be strengthened and thus the body will also heal, gossip will cease like a knife, very troubled and problematic times and very anxious days will be experienced and very good and blessed earnings will be obtained by starting a big job, becoming one's own boss, reaching new sources of income, ensuring that one's child is raised morally and becomes a great person in the future, long-awaited news will come and difficulties will be overcome more easily.