Drinking raki and not getting drunk

Dream Interpretations

Dreaming of drinking raki and not getting drunk indicates that you will lose your courage in business life, some unsolvable events will occur, you will not embarrass your family, you will establish a more suitable and comfortable life for yourself, you will experience bad events as long as you take thoughtless steps and act impulsively, you will overcome vital dangers for a reason, the reward for the help given will be received in a short time.

In addition, dreaming of drinking raki and not getting drunk indicates that your family members will be happy, bad luck will come to you, you will put your business in order and enter into various jobs with people you love and value, you will get engaged or get engaged, you will achieve successive victories in your profession, difficult days will go away.

Dream Dictionary : Drinking raki and not getting drunk

Psychological interpretation of dreaming of drinking raki and not getting drunk

Psychologically dreaming of drinking raki and not getting drunk indicates that you will reach goodness and beauty, your earnings will not continue as expected, you will get rid of your fears, relatives will intervene It indicates that arguments that may occur with people around you will be finished before they start, it will bring fame and goodness, you will come out of trouble and find relief, your inner world will be enriched, and you will enter into works that will create a big impact.

Dream Interpretation : Drinking raki and not getting drunk

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