Driving an old car in a dream

Dream Interpretations

Driving an old car in a dream indicates that you will use the opportunities you have in a successful and great way and you will enter a period where you will be very comfortable, but still the old times when you had much happier times will be longed for, will spread and your rank will rise, you will evaluate the opportunities you have very well, some sad events will occur in the near future, you will help one of the people you know upon their request for help, the times spent in poverty and unemployment will be forgotten.

In addition, driving an old car in a dream indicates that you will reach the best of worldly goods and blessings, you will have a baby in the near future, you will never be in trouble, you will consume more comfortably, you will catch an increasing business graph, you will earn big incomes and much bigger jobs will come and you will be transferred to a high position by providing great support.

Dream Dictionary : Driving an old car in a dream

Psychological interpretation of driving an old car in a dream

Psychological Driving an old car in a dream indicates that the person will become aware of what is happening around him/her, will make new investments, the arguments between family members will end in a short time, will acquire new goods, will take on positions such as a manager or director, will start working in a brand new field by establishing his/her own business with the money coming from his/her mother or father, his/her business will close down due to a problem he/she will experience in his/her work, and will have a good position among people.

Dream Interpretation : Driving an old car in a dream

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Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
Douglas Adams