Driving your own car in a dream indicates that your business will grow and you will make business partnerships with very good people, a positive result will be obtained from a meeting, you will acquire more worldly goods, the plans and projects you make will not bring you any good, you will find convenience and be pleased with your situation, the problems will be solved in a short time, you will prevent your luck and fortune with your own hand.
Also, driving your own car in a dream indicates that bad luck and misfortune will end, if time is not made for rest, the body will go bankrupt after a while, you will make new initiatives in terms of business upon your return, you will reach high positions with the successful results to be obtained in the job you are working, you will also profit from time, you will suffer losses and your existence will decrease.
Psychologically driving your own car in a dream indicates that you will be very successful in your profession, although you will be upset about the opportunities you missed, For those in education, it indicates that he/she will study in the best schools, will solve the sadness and troubles experienced, will not get into bad situations, will have good luck and fortune, will receive joyful news, and will add luxury to his/her luxury.