Drop key in the dream

Dream Interpretations

If you say to leave the key in the dream and the trouble will end, the person will feel very unhappy, thinking that the good intention is to be watered, throwing into the business life, doing very large studies, eliminating troubles and problems, having a reputation thanks to the right steps thrown out, a short-term preparation to enter a new job, and a lot of great happiness is subject to the increase of the relations with his married wife.

In addition, in the dream, new horizons opener will lose the value in the eye of the property, material and spiritually encounter the events that will lick itself, at the end of a very hard journey, it will return to the house by winning a very little money, it will become unrivaled, will take the right and hit steps for the future.

Dream Dictionary : Drop key in the dream

Psychological interpretation to leave keys in the dream

As a result of the absence of key leave accumulations in the dream psychologically, he will find himself in a very fond way, get rid of troubles and sadness, at the same time he will experience many feelings, to capture happiness in his private life, to have no moral and unpleasant days, to meet very effective and right individuals, pointing out, the future will be beautiful and no, the comfort and income will increase.

Dream Interpretation : Drop key in the dream

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Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
Douglas Adams