Dreaming of dropping a coin from his pocket means that he will get something he has been dreaming of for a long time, that his time will progress better and that he will experience great happiness with the people he loves, but that he will lose this gain when he does not expect it, that he will have to get help from a person who will harm, that he will enter a period where he will struggle with a harmful habit, that he will breathe comfortably and continue to work much more enthusiastically, that he will not be able to open his thoughts clearly.
In addition, it is interpreted that there will be great discussions between the brothers and that there will be resentments at the end of these discussions, that despite much effort to correct the mistake made, it will not be corrected and that there will be great financial damages, that the decisions to be taken will change the future of the person from beginning to end, and that even though it is full of risks, the new doors will offer the person all the opportunities he has been waiting for, that there will be good days, that he will become better day by day thanks to these people, and that he will make decisions that he will regret.
Psychologically, it is interpreted that he/she will experience a period when his/her debts increase, happiness and health will be permanent, he/she will enter the path of marriage with a person he/she loves and values very much, he/she will have a very good son, he/she will not be a partner in jobs that cannot be held accountable, he/she will come together with people who add value to him/her, and even he/she will be made better than before, and all his/her problems will be solved.