Seeing a dug field in a dream indicates that the poor will be fed, will repent and choose the right path, will be a little more cowardly in the steps that are wanted to be taken for a reason, according to some interpreters, it is interpreted that very big problems will be encountered for a reason, a friend who has been wronged will be supported, singles will be encouraged to get married.
In addition, seeing a dug field in a dream indicates that the person will stay away from the place where he lives, this will confuse the dreamer's mind and please him, he will encounter beautiful developments that will make him forget his troubles, he will find relief after going through very difficult times, it will lead to great troubles and sorrows, his ways will be opened.
Psychologically seeing a dug field in a dream indicates that he will find peace and happiness, a good step will be taken towards marriage with a person he is friends with from the social circle, It indicates grief and sadness regarding the issue, that the person will have to withdraw from his/her private and social life, that the person will enter new places, that the business will grow even more thanks to the help sought from an experienced person, that the business will progress exactly as planned and calculated, that the person will experience great happiness with the people he/she loves.