Dyeing my hair black in a dream indicates that mutually developing harmonious relationships will become stronger in the future, being caught unprepared for a happy, bad situation in the future, being put in charge of important and big jobs, adversities will affect business life very badly and dealing with a harmful habit, going through very difficult and troublesome days.
Also, dyeing my hair black in a dream indicates that you will be promoted, good deeds will benefit many people, falling into sin by gossiping about others, helping one of the elders of the family when they are in trouble, managing to overcome their bad days, experiencing demoralization.
Psychologically dyeing my hair black in a dream indicates that luck will be blocked, work will be denigrated and fortune will be prevented. It indicates that the person will be successful, will approach their goals, all family members will be affected by the sad events, will progress as they progress, will be appointed to an official position, will be someone who is believed and loved, will show the success they want, will cause their work to suffer in the near future, but this situation will turn into a very good situation in a short time.