Dreaming of dying in a church indicates that your life will be turned upside down, you will be in constant stress and nervousness, you will spend your time with jobs that will bring you a lot of income, you will lose your job and your relationship with your family will be broken, restless and unhappy days will be left behind, your luck will be missed.
Also, dreaming of dying in a church indicates that a great progress will be made in a short time, the person will be bored because of this procrastination, he will criticize himself for a long time, he will make auspicious and lucky initiatives, he will have a child in a short time, his comfort and peace will remain in place.
Psychologically, dreaming of dying in a church indicates that old resentments will be eliminated and the future will be looked at positively, he will make great leaps, his environment will be filled with wealthy people like himself, he will evaluate every opportunity to cleanse himself, It is interpreted as a sign that one will tire oneself a lot in order to compensate for the time spent unemployed and that one will save for the future, which is from the goodness of God.