Eat palm salt in the dream

Dream Interpretations

In the dream, palm salt food will multiply jealousy since the trade, thanks to the steps taken, it is very recognized and loved one, fears, hidayetekle together, all family life is changed in this direction and to go through the editing path, meaning of some breakthroughs that will be recognized and respected by everyone in the business life, will feel good, and will catch peace.

In addition, the palm of the dream can not be found in any medium way, despite all the fastness of eating salt, the developments that will spoil the pleasure of the person who has spiritual peace will not be the ear, so that it will save itself from division to many parts, will leave the place of sadness, to be a step ahead of everyone in his work, to develop himself and position in the professional sense, new midges and new investments are interpreted.

Dream Dictionary : Eat palm salt in the dream

Psychologically a handful of salt meal interpretation in the dream

In psychologically dream, palms of salt food will be easier to eat, a very peaceful and happy life, and great friendships will be achieved, harming the projects it enters, bringing itself to very good places, and decides to make great gains, the discussions between brothers and people who are trying to drive the spouses, will be removed from the household, to solve financial problems, to experience a sweet competition between friends, if there is in the place, it will have a hearty win.

Dream Interpretation : Eat palm salt in the dream

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